The Benefits of 360-Degree Product Views for Online Shopping

01 August 2023

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through an e-commerce website, trying to get a better sense of a product but struggling to do so with only a few static images?  If so, you're not alone. Many online shoppers find it difficult to fully visualize a product before making a purchase. That's where 360-degree product views come in. By allowing customers to see products from every angle and interact with them in a more detailed and immersive way, 360-degree product views have become a game changer for many e-commerce businesses. In this blog post, we'll dive into the many benefits of 360-degree product views for online shopping, including statistics that demonstrate just how valuable they can be. So whether you're running an online store or simply curious about the latest trends in e-commerce, read on to learn more.

The Benefits of 360-Degree Product Views for Online Shopping

What exactly are 360-Degree Product Views?

360-degree product views refer to a visual representation of a product that can be rotated and viewed from all angles, giving customers a comprehensive and interactive view of the product. It can be created using various media types such as an image, a GIF, or a video. This can be accomplished by utilizing a software application that runs on your computer's browser.


When is it beneficial to use 360-Degree Product Views?

This can be particularly important for products with intricate details or features that may be difficult to convey through static images or videos.  360-degree product views can benefit a wide range of industries, from fashion and furniture to technology and beyond. In the fashion industry, 360-degree product views can help customers better evaluate the fit and design of clothing items, allowing them to see how the garment looks from all angles and how it drapes on the body. Furniture retailers can use 360-degree product views to show the detailed design and texture of upholstery and give customers a better sense of how the furniture will look in their space. In the technology industry, 360-degree product views can provide customers with a better understanding of the physical design and features of devices, such as laptops and smartphones.

How to get started? Photography or 3D renders?

To create 360-degree product views, businesses typically use specialized software and equipment to capture multiple images of the product from different angles. It can be done using either a camera or 3D rendering technology. When using a camera, businesses capture multiple images of the product from different angles and stitch them together to create a seamless 360-degree view. This method requires specialized equipment and expertise but can produce high-quality and realistic results that accurately depict the product.

On the other hand, creating 360-degree product views using 3D rendering technology involves creating a virtual model of the product, which can then be viewed from any angle. This method offers greater control over the appearance of the product, as businesses can adjust the lighting, color, and texture of the model to create a perfect representation of the product. 

3D renders could be better for several reasons:

  • Consistency: 3D rendering technology creates a virtual model of the product, the resulting 360-degree product view is always consistent and does not depend on the physical environment or lighting conditions. This means that the final product view is more reliable and consistent.
  • Flexibility: 3D rendering technology is more flexible in terms of the types of products that can be displayed, as it is not limited to physical products that can be photographed. This means that businesses can use 3D rendering to display products that are difficult to photograph, such as complex machinery or electronic devices, or products that don't yet exist in physical form.
  • Time-saving: 3D rendering saves time by eliminating the need for physical products to be shipped and photographed, reducing production time and speeding up the launch of new products.
  • Easier editing: 3D rendering allows for easier editing of the product view, such as changing the background or making other adjustments without having to reshoot the product.
  • Sustainability: 3D rendering is a sustainable option as it eliminates the need for physical products to be created and transported, reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impact of the production process.
  • Scalability: 3D rendering enables the creation of a large number of product views quickly and efficiently, making it an ideal solution for businesses that need to create multiple product views in large quantities. It also allows for the creation of product views for a wide range of product variants, such as different colors, materials, and sizes, without having to physically create each variant for photography.
  • Reusability: 3D models created for product views can be reused for other purposes such as creating product videos, product animations, and other marketing materials, increasing the ROI of the investment in 3D rendering technology.

What are the biggest challenges while creating 360-degree product views?

Once the scope of the project has been defined, you can work with a 3D rendering service provider or hire an in-house team with the necessary expertise to create the virtual models. The process of creating a 3D model typically involves creating a digital representation of the product using specialized software, adding texture and lighting effects to make it look realistic, and then animating the model to create a 360-degree view. 

One of the biggest challenges when creating 360 product views in the form of 3D renders is ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the product's appearance through all of the angles. This requires careful attention to detail and consistency in lighting and materials.

“I can confidently say that one of the biggest challenges is ensuring that the final render is visually appealing and accurately represents the product. This involves striking a balance between achieving photorealism and ensuring the model is optimized for web and mobile viewing. It can be a delicate process, as even the slightest deviation from the product's real-life appearance can impact the overall effectiveness of the 360-degree product view. Additionally, it's important to consider the user experience when creating 360-degree product views, ensuring that the views are intuitive and responsive, and provide customers with the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. To overcome these challenges, it's important to have a thorough understanding of 3D modeling and rendering techniques, as well as a keen eye for detail and design. “  - says Mateusz Tywonek, 3D Graphic Designer at The Digital Bunch

What are the key benefits of 360-degree product views?

Increased sales by up to 30% and higher conversion rates 360 product views give customers a more comprehensive and realistic view of the product, which can increase the likelihood of a purchase by up to 30% (according to a report by Threekit.

Better Customer Engagement By providing a more interactive and engaging experience, 360 product views can help keep customers on your website for longer periods of time. Also, 360 product views can provide customers with a better understanding of the product, which can lead to increased satisfaction with their purchase.

Reduced Product Returns With a more detailed and accurate view of the product, customers are less likely to be disappointed or surprised by the product they receive, reducing the likelihood of returns. When incorporating this solution, we can expect an estimated decrease in product returns by 4.7%

Enhanced Brand Image 360 product views can help businesses stand out from their competitors and showcase their products in a more visually appealing way, which can enhance the brand image and show that they are up-to-date and using innovative solutions.

Cost Savings Another significant benefit of using 360 product views is the cost savings it can provide to businesses. Traditional product photography often requires expensive equipment and studio space, which can add up to substantial costs in the long run. With traditional product photography, businesses also need to transport their products to a photography studio, which can be a time-consuming and expensive process. However, with 360-degree product views, the need for physical transportation can be eliminated since the products can be rendered digitally. This can save both time and money while also reducing the risk of damage to the products during transportation.

Better Customer Insights By analyzing how customers interact with 360 product views, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can inform future marketing and product development efforts.

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360-degree product views & AR: the winning combo for boosting sales

To further increase sales, it's worth noting that businesses can combine 360 product views with technological advancements such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology. These advancements provide more immersive and interactive product views that allow customers to visualize products in their own space, try on virtual clothing items, and see how furniture or home decor will look in their room before making a purchase. Furthermore, advances in 3D modeling and scanning technology have made it easier and more cost-effective to create high-quality 360-degree product views, enabling companies of all sizes to offer this feature and enhance the online shopping experience.

Ready to enhance your e-commerce? Contact The Digital Bunch today for high-quality 360 product views!

In conclusion, incorporating 360-degree product views into your e-commerce website can have numerous benefits for your business, including increased sales, higher conversion rates, and reduced costs. With the latest advancements in technology, creating 360-degree product views has become easier and more cost-effective than ever before. By offering customers a more detailed and immersive view of your products, you can stand out from competitors and improve the overall online shopping experience. If you are interested in incorporating 360-degree product views into your ecommerce website, contact The Digital Bunch today for a quote and to discuss possible options for working together. Our experienced team of designers and developers can help take your ecommerce website to the next level and boost your sales and customer satisfaction.

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